Currently Inspired By...

As we enter the summer of 2021, it seems we are all breathing a little easier and enjoying a collective return to life after all the difficulties + hardships surrounding the pandemic. With this inspiration board, we aim to reflect the shift in mood by offering vibrant images full of texture and color.

We have been deeply inspired by the artists who used the quarantine to truly contemplate and explore their subjects - the artistic attention to detail is clear. You will also find glimpses of nature and cool landscape vistas that celebrate what the world looks like out there. We are certainly ready to start exploring again!

Currently Inspired By...

Coming up on the vernal equinox, it’s time again to spread some seeds of inspiration. Please enjoy this Spring Inspiration Board, put together by our Visual Design Director, Sarah Knight Davis, and let us know if we can show you more work by any of these great artists.

Happy Thanksgiving from APP!

The winding path to peace is always a worthy one
no matter how many turns it takes.

Amy Parry Projects finds gratitude in the creative ties that bind us; the fact that inspiration and wonder are never cancelled.

Wishing you a wonderful week of peace this Thanksgiving.

Thxgiving 2020.jpg

simple earth art installation by Andy Goldsworthy

Currently Inspired By...

October is here. Let the leaves fall where they may…

We are entering the final few months of the year as inspired as ever by the work being created all around us. Collected here are 100 new pieces of art that are fresh and bold - lots of color, content and a variety of unusual materials. After all, the end of a decade is no time to be boring!